Tuesday, May 21, 14h30-15h15, OECD Forum, moderated by Alessandro Bellantoni, Deputy Head of Division and Head of the Open Government Unit, Governance Directorate Friday, April 19, 15h-17h: Le séminaire d’analyse des Structures et des Processus Sociaux, Paris Sorbonne, Maison de la recherche 28 Rue Serpente 75006. Thursday, March 21,17h30-19h30: Le séminaire Etudier les cultures du […]
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Paris Spring Book Talks: “The Revolution That Wasn’t: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatives”
Debate: The ‘gilets jaunes’ movement is not a Facebook revolution
In less than a month, France’s gilets jaunes (yellow vests) have gone from being a celebrated example of Facebook’s ability to power a spontaneous revolution to a cautionary tale of how social networks can be manipulated by outsiders to provoke outrage and sow dissent. But in both of these extreme scenarios, the central actors lie […]
The false media focus on violence: If it bleeds it still leads
On Sunday, August 27, in downtown Berkeley, I witnessed thousands of protesters raising their voices against a planned white supremacist “Patriot Prayer” rally. In my decades as a documentary filmmaker of activism and now an academic studying movements and media, it was one of the most positive, diverse and unifying gatherings I ever observed. While […]
Competing Twitter hashtags reflect divided response to Paris attacks
On Friday night, November 13, I had just left a movie theater near my home in Toulouse, France, when I received an e-mail from a friend asking me if I was OK. Curious, I went on Twitter and immediately saw reports from French news agencies that there had been a series of attacks across Paris. […]