Tuesday, May 21, 14h30-15h15, OECD Forum, moderated by Alessandro Bellantoni, Deputy Head of Division and Head of the Open Government Unit, Governance Directorate Friday, April 19, 15h-17h: Le séminaire d’analyse des Structures et des Processus Sociaux, Paris Sorbonne, Maison de la recherche 28 Rue Serpente 75006. Thursday, March 21,17h30-19h30: Le séminaire Etudier les cultures du […]
Tag Archives | Facebook
Paris Spring Book Talks: “The Revolution That Wasn’t: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatives”
Debate: The ‘gilets jaunes’ movement is not a Facebook revolution
In less than a month, France’s gilets jaunes (yellow vests) have gone from being a celebrated example of Facebook’s ability to power a spontaneous revolution to a cautionary tale of how social networks can be manipulated by outsiders to provoke outrage and sow dissent. But in both of these extreme scenarios, the central actors lie […]
5 reasons why online Big Data is Bad Data for researching social movements
I know, I know, it’s digital blasphemy to say that using Internet data is a terrible way to study social movements. What about all of those Twitter and Facebook revolutions of the Arab Spring? And Occupy Wall Street? #Ferguson and #BlackLivesMatter spread like wildfire, for God’s sake. You may think that I’m a luddite who […]
Is Facebook just another paperboy with bad aim?
“Facebook Is a Bigger Source for Political News than CNN, Fox” headlined a Mashable article last week. Oh, really? This provocative phrase kept showing up on my Twitter feed. The article was one of many that splashed news headlines after the Pew Research Journalism project issued a report on the news habits of Americans. But […]