In the digital era of so-called Facebook revolutions or hashtag activism, many claim that participation in social movements is individualized and personalized, but building and sustaining a political movement, even an online movement, still requires organization. I make this argument in my recent blog post at the Berkeley Journal of Sociology.
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Author Archive | schradie
Bringing the Organization Back In: Social Media and Social Movements
Is Facebook just another paperboy with bad aim?
“Facebook Is a Bigger Source for Political News than CNN, Fox” headlined a Mashable article last week. Oh, really? This provocative phrase kept showing up on my Twitter feed. The article was one of many that splashed news headlines after the Pew Research Journalism project issued a report on the news habits of Americans. But […]
Is Moral Monday the Tortoise and Occupy the Hare?
If you haven’t heard of the Moral Monday Movement, stay tuned. One year ago, on April 29, 2013, 17 people, including ministers, academics and workers, were arrested in the North Carolina legislative building in Raleigh. The 2012 general election ushered in a conservative take-over and super majority of the North Carolina General Assembly and a […]
HBO’s Silicon Valley: Where the Women Aren’t
I had the opportunity to see the premiere of the new HBO comedy series, Silicon Valley in, well, Silicon Valley. It was a red carpet night, not just for the stars and producers of the show but also for tech leaders, such as Elon Musk, Mark Pincus and Michael Arrington. Yes, these elites are men. […]