Tuesday, May 21, 14h30-15h15, OECD Forum, moderated by Alessandro Bellantoni, Deputy Head of Division and Head of the Open Government Unit, Governance Directorate Friday, April 19, 15h-17h: Le séminaire d’analyse des Structures et des Processus Sociaux, Paris Sorbonne, Maison de la recherche 28 Rue Serpente 75006. Thursday, March 21,17h30-19h30: Le séminaire Etudier les cultures du […]
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Paris Spring Book Talks: “The Revolution That Wasn’t: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatives”

Bringing the Organization Back In: Social Media and Social Movements
In the digital era of so-called Facebook revolutions or hashtag activism, many claim that participation in social movements is individualized and personalized, but building and sustaining a political movement, even an online movement, still requires organization. I make this argument in my recent blog post at the Berkeley Journal of Sociology.

Is Moral Monday the Tortoise and Occupy the Hare?
If you haven’t heard of the Moral Monday Movement, stay tuned. One year ago, on April 29, 2013, 17 people, including ministers, academics and workers, were arrested in the North Carolina legislative building in Raleigh. The 2012 general election ushered in a conservative take-over and super majority of the North Carolina General Assembly and a […]
The Digital Activism Gap – where social class, social media and social movements collide
The Pew Internet & American Life Project released a report today on social media and politics. It’s no surprise to sociologists that their findings reflect structural inequalities. Perhaps it was a bit of a jolt to digital utopianists, though. Aaron Smith, the author of the Pew report, finds social class divisions with political activity in […]