
As a public sociologist, I blog frequently about my research, as well as other opinions related to social media, social class and social movements. And I even wrote a blog post entitled, “Will Academic Digital Publishing Make You Perish?

One of the places I blog is at Mobilizing Ideas, a social movement studies blog, which is part of  The Center for the Study of Social Movements at the University of Notre Dame, editorial home of the academic journal Mobilization. Here are some of my posts:

Competing Twitter hashtags reflect divided response to Paris attacks,” Medium, November 18, 2015.

Five reasons why online Big Data is Bad Data for Researching Social Movements,” Mobilizing Ideas, April 2, 2015.

From French Resistance to hashtag activism: How our obsession with the extraordinary masks the power of the ordinary,” Mobilizing Ideas, December 17, 2014.

Bringing the Organization Back In – Social Media and Social Movements,”  Berkeley Journal of Sociology, November 3, 2014.

Is Facebook just another Paperboy with bad aim?” October 28, 2014.

Is Moral Monday the Tortoise and Occupy the Hare?Mobilizing Ideas, April 28, 2014.

HBO’s Silicon Valley: Where the Women Aren’t,” April 4, 2014.

Big Data and the Survival of the Scientific Method,The Bad Hessian, The  Computational Sociology Blog, October 11, 2013.

Big Data Not Big Enough? How the Digital Divide Leaves People out,” PBS MediaShift, July 31, 2013.

“7 Myths of the Digital Divide”, Cyborgology, April 26, 2013.

“The Digital Activism Gap – where social class, social media and social movements collide”, April 24, 2013.

“Is Marriage Equality Bourgeois? Separating a social movement from a social movement organization,” Mobilizing Ideas, April 18, 2013.

“How Occupy Influenced the Election – Beyond the Pepper Spraying Cop,” Mobilizing Ideas, November 19, 2012.

What’s the Difference Between Mainstream and Activist Journalists? From the IMC at the WTO to the PPL at the DNC,” Mobilizing Ideas, October 26, 2012.

Operation Dixie at the DNC,Mobilizing Ideas, September 6, 2012

Will Academic Digital Publishing Make You Perish?,” August 21, 2012.

Pay Facebook to get activists to like you, to really really like you,” Mobilizing Ideas, July 30, 2012

Occupy May Need to Separate to Unite,” Mobilizing Ideas, June 12, 2012.

I’m on the Wall for being at the Mall,”, May 17, 2012.

Kony 2012 – Agit Prop on Speed,”, March 22, 2012.

Occupy Everywhere – But Not at the Mall,” Common Dreams, Featured View at, December 28, 2011

Why Tents (Still) Matter for the Occupy Movement,” Common Dreams, Featured View at, November 24, 2011 (Cited in American Ethnologist, May 2012).