Check out my guest blog post at Cyborgology on the 7 Myths of the Digital Divide. I have heard so often from pundits, colleagues and, well, the Internet, that either digital inequality doesn’t matter or it’s over, so I decided to write this post based on the most common tropes that I hear (p.s. class […]
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The Digital Activism Gap – where social class, social media and social movements collide
The Pew Internet & American Life Project released a report today on social media and politics. It’s no surprise to sociologists that their findings reflect structural inequalities. Perhaps it was a bit of a jolt to digital utopianists, though. Aaron Smith, the author of the Pew report, finds social class divisions with political activity in […]
Justice Stories, Resistance Stories and Just Good Stories: Narrative and Storytelling as Critical Pedagogy
This Wednesday, I’ll be on a panel at UC Berkeley sponsored by American Cultures and facilitated by Victoria Robinson. As the theme is narrative and social justice, I’ll be talking about everything from social media memes to documentary storytelling. Details from American Cultures: Wednesday, November 14th, 4-6pm, 231 Wheeler Hall Speakers: Regina Mason, Office of the […]
Do independent and activist bloggers see themselves as journalists in the digital era?
From the IMC at the WTO to the PPL at the DNC Pundits claim that the Internet has changed everything about this election – from Big Bird/Binder/Bayonet memes to Big Brother Data on your voting habits. But what about how independent and activist bloggers see themselves as journalists in the digital era? One of the […]