From the IMC at the WTO to the PPL at the DNC Pundits claim that the Internet has changed everything about this election – from Big Bird/Binder/Bayonet memes to Big Brother Data on your voting habits. But what about how independent and activist bloggers see themselves as journalists in the digital era? One of the […]
Tag Archives | Charlotte
The IRB at the DNC: Interviewing is (usually) no laughing matter
A friend of mine had flown in for just 24 hours of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), so I was showing him the highlights: no, not the Convention floor nor even the Huffington Post spa (yes, you heard that right). Instead, we were wandering around the other media circus – mega TV screens near the […]
Operation Dixie at the DNC
From the streets of Charlotte, North Carolina, here’s my latest post on Mobilizing Ideas, a social movement studies blog. Here’s a taste of it: “While the Obama sign waving and t-shirt wearing union members at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) creates a picture of a giant love-fest between unions and the Democratic Party, underneath this […]
Good Cop, Bad Cop at the DNC Protest
I was initially surprised at the demeanor of the police in Charlotte during the Wall Street South March on the Democratic National Convention (DNC). Having lived in North Carolina for 14 years, I always relish the cordiality when I return. But friendliness by cops at a protest? Last fall I had witnessed aggressive Oakland police in full […]