In my post on’s MediaShift, I contend that Big Data is Too Small. I will also be giving a talk on the topic at the American Sociological Association’s Annual Meeting on August 13 in New York. Here’s the lede: “The utopian hype over Big Data is being critiqued on many fronts. After all, it isn’t that new. […]
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Big Data is Too Small: How the Digital Divide Leaves People Out
The Digital Activism Gap – where social class, social media and social movements collide
The Pew Internet & American Life Project released a report today on social media and politics. It’s no surprise to sociologists that their findings reflect structural inequalities. Perhaps it was a bit of a jolt to digital utopianists, though. Aaron Smith, the author of the Pew report, finds social class divisions with political activity in […]
Will Academic Digital Publishing Make You Perish?
I just got back from our annual American Sociological Association Conference, and the Twitter feed (#ASA2012) was particularly snarky. As I read expletive-filled tweets from (tenured) faculty and sarcastic tweets from graduate students, I was both bemused and intrigued. Some simply contained nerdy references, such as one thread about The Game of Thrones, which I […]
Pay Facebook to get activists to like you, to really really like you
Check out my blog post on Mobilizing Ideas on how a Facebook revolution could cost more than you think. Here’s a snippet: “…to boost the chance that subscribers see more of a group’s posts, Facebook is now charging them money for “promoted posts.” This policy change points to the continuing challenge to the utopic idea that costs […]